Fourth Grade
Language Arts
To provide a foundation for college and career readiness, fourth graders need to build the stamina and skills to read challenging fiction, nonfiction and other materials over longer periods of time. They are learning more about the world through reading more complicated stories and poems from different cultures and a range of stories and books on history, science, art and music. Using correct grammar and punctuation, they write effective summaries, book reports and descriptions of characters and/or events. Fourth grade students will:
- Understand a range of grade-level stories, poems and informational texts including biographies, articles and books on history, science, and arts.
- Compare ideas, characters, events, settings and themes in stories and myths from different cultures.
- Understand how to use text features to understand the main and supporting ideas; compare and contrast information; and explain how the author uses facts, details, and evidence to support particular points.
- Use evidence presented in books and online to independently conduct and present short research projects on different aspects of a topic.
- Paraphrase and respond to information presented in discussions; compare and contrast ideas; analyze evidence used by speakers to support their points.
Students will apply their reasoning and skills in the field of mathematics and will extend this knowledge to other aspects of their life. Students in fourth grade will:
- Develop understanding and fluency with multi-digit multiplication.
- Understand division involving multi-digit dividends.
- Develop an understanding of fraction equivalence and operations with fractions including: addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators and multiplication of fractions by whole numbers.
- Understand that geometric figures can be analyzed and classified based on their properties, such as having parallel sides, perpendicular sides, particular angle measures and symmetry.
Science engages students in enjoyable, active learning experiences. Science instruction should be as thrilling an experience for a child as seeing a rainbow, growing a flower, or holding a toad. The science curriculum allows students to experience the joy of doing science while learning both skills and concepts. In fourth grade, students will:
- Understand that water changes state as it moves through the water cycle.
- Observe and record the elements of weather to make predictions and determine simple weather patterns.
- Understand the basic properties of rocks and the processes involved in the formation of soils.
- Understand how fossils are formed and how they can be used to make inferences.
- Understand the physical characteristics of Utah's wetlands, forests and deserts, and identify common organisms for each environment.
Social Studies
Social Studies provides students an opportunity to learn about themselves, their community and the world. As students engage in social studies, they learn about civic competence in addition to various cultures, history, geography and economics. Fourth grade students will learn how to:
- Analyze how the physical geography in Utah affects the people of Utah, such as the distribution of natural resources and the development of industry.
- Explore how Utah’s history has been shaped by many diverse people, events and ideas, including how Utah has changed over time.
- Investigate economic development in Utah and how it affects different people and places of Utah.
- Describe and analyze the role of government and the rights and responsibilities of citizens, including recognizing and demonstrating respect for the United States and Utah.
- Participate in civic responsibilities, such as volunteering or current issues analysis.
Information Technology
In a world where technology is playing an ever increasing role, it is necessary for students to learn how to access and use technology to accomplish a variety of tasks. Fourth grade students will:
- Create a multimedia product and work cooperatively on a project with a group.
- Use technology tools and the Internet to find information.
- Evaluate appropriateness and validity of information resources and technology.
- Discuss basic issues related to responsible use of technology and safety on the Internet.
- Learn to keyboard using proper technique.
Fine Arts
Learning the elements of art is an important part of expressing creativity. Students learn abstract thinking, expression, quality work and problem solving when engaged in the arts. In fourth grade, students will:
- Understand vanishing point and principals of location of objects.
- Make artistically pleasing decisions and discuss artwork using art vocabulary.
- Place all colors on color wheel and mix primary, secondary, and tertiary colors.
- Perform a choreographed dance.
- Create an original dance.
- Use imagination, audience skills, cultural understanding, and creativity to perform a dance.
- Learn dramatic story structure, conflict, overall message, dialogue, plot and tension.
- Learn elements of dramatic performance such as recall, dynamics, volume, tempo, rhythm, tone, pitch and expressive voice.
- Use expressive movements, emotional interaction and exchange with others.
Healthy Lifestyles and Physical Education
Research shows that healthy, fit kids learn best, and that exercise has a positive impact on brain chemistry and function. In fourth grade students will:
- Understand how to prevent substance abuse and communicable diseases including HIV/AIDS.
- Learn about personal safety and injury prevention.
- Practice good nutrition, fitness and consumer health.
- Participate in service learning.
- Participate in daily sustained individual and group physical activities.
Library Media
Providing students with information-processing and problem-solving skills is an increasingly important role of the school library in today’s society. Students use the library to find reading materials for enjoyment and for information. Fourth grade students will:
- Locate sections in the school library and use the Pioneer online library to access information.
- Use the online catalog to find a book by keyword, author or title and will use the Big Six problem-solving process to solve an information problem.
- Retrieve information from an index, use basic note-taking skills and use proper outlining techniques with an informational problem-solving project.